24 July 2015

At some point in life, you would try to keep a lower profile of having a birthday. After all, having a birthday is not like receiving an award, as you have achieved something worthy of praise, or having a harvest festival after a year’s work that your village has survived another 365 days. Being alive for one more year, at this time and age, is not anything peculiar or significant. You just didn’t die.
At some point in life, you would start to list the things undone rather than the precious moments lived when having a birthday. Graduations and certificates are less likely to come your way, but more bills to pay (and mouths to feed – okay, stop quoting song lyrics.) More duties, goals, and failed resolutions.
And you’re older. You Are Older, in an ageist society where expectations for people of different age are biased, stereotypical and highly unreasonable; where independence equals money rather than age or wisdom or being responsible (although undoubtedly financial independence is a crucial part of being responsible and reliable.)
And year after year, as I try harder and harder to keep a lower profile of having a birthday, I still find myself surrounded by great people on this day. None of my cynicism has compromised my chances of being loved or cared for by others.

Now, that is something significant. That is something worth celebrating for. 

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